Facebook Places is a location based service of facebook. You may be familiar with a Foursquare….This is much the same but in many ways different. I have attached two videos and some links to help you understand and lean a little more about Facebook Places. If you own a retail establishment (restaurants, cafe, store, bank, ext.), You may want to start using these services.

The below video is from TechCrunch TV. In this interview with Facebook Product Manager Michael Sharon they talk about the making of Places and the importance of tagging.
This next video is from Social Media Examiner and goes into more detail. Mari Smith talks about what it is and how to use it. She also goes into what has changed for privacy settings. Shows you how to change your Facebook privacy settings so people can/can’t check you into places or who sees what. Own a business and want to claim or add your business? Mari shows you the few steps it takes.
Links you may like:
Facebook Places Facebook Places FAQ Mashable’s Field Guide to Using Facebook PlacesFacebook Places is still a new service so availability is still limited but shouldn’t take long to roll out all over the world and to more mobile devices. What do you think of location based services? Do you think people will start using this service instead or with Foursquare? Do you currently use a location based service personally or for your business? Tell me why and how you like it in the comments. Need help getting your business listed on Facebook Places? Just Contact Me and I can help.
Compair location based services
photo credit: Mark Fidelman